Why Join Cyberimpact Academy?

A free platform for marketers and business owners to master digital marketing. Learn it all—from email marketing basics to advanced strategies, like automation and KPI tracking.

  • Pass exams in select classes to earn recognized certifications to showcase your marketing skills.

  • Start with 10 foundational courses and enjoy new classes added monthly in an array of topics.

  • Classes include videos and materials to help you apply what you learn.

Start when and where you want

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, choose the course that matches your needs and learn at your own pace.


  • Do I need a Cyberimpact account to join the Academy?

    No. The Academy is free and open to everyone, regardless of whether you use Cyberimpact as your email marketing solution.

  • Are the courses really free?

    Yes. All courses and materials are completely free with unlimited access.

  • Can I get certified?

    Yes! Some courses include exams that allow you to earn certifications with a unique ID, valid for 2 years. Once you complete a course, you can proudly share your certification on social media platforms like LinkedIn to showcase your skills and achievements.

  • How often are new courses added?

    We add new courses monthly on various topics related to email marketing and digital strategies.

  • Are the courses available in both English and French?

    Yes. All courses are available in both languages.